Who can apply?
The Digital Navigators Program will serve individuals who live within the Dallas city limits and who have been impacted by COVID- 19 and who are low income, which is defined as at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI).
Target communities that have been most impacted by COVID-19, include:
Families with school-age children and adolescents;
Higher-education students;
Individuals who have lost employment or are otherwise income insecure;
Immigrant and refugee communities;
Residents living zip codes identified in the "Lack of Internet Access Data" (Attachment D); and
Residents living in communities of concentrated poverty.

The Digital Navigators Program will serve individuals who:
live within the Dallas city limits and
who have been impacted by COVID- 19 and
who are low income, which is defined as at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI).